Enable/Disable Email Notifications

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Wether you are receiving too many email notifications, or have setup webhook notifications, there might come a point when you want to disable email notifications.

There are three ways to disable e-mail notifications:

Disable a single notification for a specific user

The simplest way to disable a single notification for a specific user is on the dashboard notifications page on your site. You can access that page by clicking on the username in the menu bar at the top of a page, then Profile in the drop-down, and Notifications in the left sidebar.

Enable/Disable the notification you are interested in by clicking on the checkbox next to its name.

Disable a single notification site-wide

DjaoApp will not trigger any e-mail notifications, as well as silently ignore template errors, if the e-mail notification template has no subject. To disable a single notification site-wide, we thus need to edit and remove the {% block subject %} block in the template for that notification.

Click on the username in the menu bar at the top of a page, then Settings in the drop-down, and Themes in the left sidebar. Click the Edit link under the notification you want to disable. Find the tab which has the {% block subject %} code (ex: notification/profile_updated.eml), and remove the lines from {% block subject %} to the first {% endblock %}.

Your edits are automatically saved.

Disable all e-mail notifications site-wide

When you want to disable e-mail notifications altogether, login to the hosting platform itself, then browse to your site Control panel. Click Gate in the left sidebar, and Update in the Notifications section. Finally enable/disable all e-mail notifications by clicking the checkbox next to Disable e-mail notifications.

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