Professional Services
DjaoDjin provides professional services to help you run a successful supplier assessment campaign.

Industry Questionnaires
DjaoDjin maintains a network of Subject Matter Experts (SME) to create and regularly update questionnaires relevant to specific industries.
- Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Practices
- Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) Employee Wellness
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Tenant Certification
Respondents Engagement
Whenever you are asking a company to respond to a specific survey, it is not always straightforward who is the relevant point of contact at that organization. DjaoDjin can assist with contacts validation, identify that person and onboard them onto the assessment platform.
DjaoDjin has a team of skilled professionals ready to engage with people responding to an assessment request and support them throughout the completion process.
Data Verification
Some industry questionnaires require a certain level of verification and cross-reference of the answers given. DjaoDjin partners with third-party compliance firms to implement such verification programs.
Annual Reporting
With data analytics professionals and industry subject matter experts, DjaoDjin will provide you with State-of-the-industry reports based on the findings of running an assessment campaign.