Skill required
Basic Internet Proficiency

You want users to browse and registers to, not the url DjaoDjin created for you.

After you register and create your site on, it will be available at You will want to configure your domain name server (DNS) such that users can access the site through instead.

Update your domain name service

Login to your domain name provider, find the section to update DNS Records (example: On GoDaddy), it is under Manage DNS), and insert/update the following CNAME record.

Type Name Data / Points to

Save and give it a few minutes for the changes to be effective.

At this point every time a user types in their browser URL bar, your djaoapp site will be loaded.

Set your domain in

Once the DNS Record is present, you must tell DjaoDjin to serve your site when it sees the domain name. Incidently, DjaoDjin also needs to create a TLS certificate for your domain name so user can securely browse and login into your site.

To do that, go to the DjaoDjin Control Panel for your site, click on the Whitelabel tab, edit the domain under the Web URL Settings, and click Update.

There you go, you can now login to your site at!

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