The primary objective of the Engage dashboard is to invite profiles to respond to a questionnaire, track their progress on answering and drive engagement until completion.
Inviting a profile
In the search input field, enter the name of the profile, or a work e-mail address of a contact person, then click Search.
If the profile hasn't yet been invited for the period between From and To, you will see an Add button on the same row as the profile name. Click the Add button to invite the profile.
A dialog box will appear. You have the opportunity to change the addressee and add a specific message to the invite e-mail. In all cases, a copy of the e-mail will be sent to the primary contact on file for the profile invited.
Click Request assessment to send the e-mail invite. The addressee will receive an e-mail to complete the questionnaire. (ex: I have received a request to answer the ESG/Environmental practices questionnaire. What Next?).

Following up with a contact
An profile that was invited in the period will show as a row in the engagement table. The Status column indicates the progress of the profile towards completing the questionnaire. The Last update column indicates the date at which the response was completed, or the last time a contact updated the profile's response when the status is Work in progress. The Last reminder column indicates when an automated reminder was last sent by the platform. Finally the Added column indicates when the profile was first invited.
Under the profile name you will see a Contacts link. By clicking on the Contacts link, you will see the list of users with a profile manager's (i.e. update permissions) role on the profile as well as the last time they logged in. Similarly the respondents link in the last update column will show contacts for the profile that have actually answered the questionnaire. This is valuable to discuss.
Typically you will want to connect with the most recently active contact or respondent to understand when a completed response can be expected.
To follow up with a contact about completing the questionnaire, click the (Re-)send button.
What are the different statuses?
- Invited
- The status defaults to Invited when you first invite a profile to respond to a questionnaire.
- Work in progress
- When a profile manager answer at least one question, the status will switch to Work in progress.
- Completed
- Once a profile manager clicks the Complete button the status switch to Completed. Until a profile explicitly shares their response with your account, it will be marked Completed (not yet shared). If for any reason a profile respond to a questionnaire but actively refuses to share the response with your account, it will be marked Completed (declined to share).
- Declined
- In rare circumstances, a profile might decide to actively decline your invite to respond to the questionnaire. In such case, the status will show as Declined (declined to respond).
Categorizing suppliers
It is often beneficial for your own internal tracking to categorize reporting profiles (ex: tier 1/ tier 2/tier 3 suppliers). You can do so by editing tags attached to a reporting profile.
Click on the (note icon) for a reporting profile, type meaningful tags (comma separated), then click on the note icon again. You can also click anywhere outside the tag edit box to save the new tags.
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